Database and runtime

A salsa database struct is declared by the user with the #[salsa::db] annotation. It contains all the data that the program needs to execute:

struct MyDatabase {
    storage: Storage<Self>,
    maybe_other_fields: u32,

This data is divided into two categories:

  • Salsa-governed storage, contained in the Storage<Self> field. This data is mandatory.
  • Other fields (like maybe_other_fields) defined by the user. This can be anything. This allows for you to give access to special resources or whatever.

Parallel handles

When used across parallel threads, the database type defined by the user must support a "snapshot" operation. This snapshot should create a clone of the database that can be used by the parallel threads. The Storage operation itself supports snapshot. The Snapshot method returns a Snapshot<DB> type, which prevents these clones from being accessed via an &mut reference.

The Storage struct

The salsa Storage struct contains all the data that salsa itself will use and work with. There are three key bits of data:

  • The Shared struct, which contains the data stored across all snapshots. This is primarily the ingredients described in the jars and ingredients chapter, but it also contains some synchronization information (a cond var). This is used for cancellation, as described below.
    • The data in the Shared struct is only shared across threads when other threads are active. Some operations, like mutating an input, require an &mut handle to the Shared struct. This is obtained by using the Arc::get_mut methods; obviously this is only possible when all snapshots and threads have ceased executing, since there must be a single handle to the Arc.
  • The Routes struct, which contains the information to find any particular ingredient -- this is also shared across all handles, and its construction is also described in the jars and ingredients chapter. The routes are separated out from the Shared struct because they are truly immutable at all times, and we want to be able to hold a handle to them while getting &mut access to the Shared struct.
  • The Runtime struct, which is specific to a particular database instance. It contains the data for a single active thread, along with some links to shared data of its own.

Incrementing the revision counter and getting mutable access to the jars

Salsa's general model is that there is a single "master" copy of the database and, potentially, multiple snapshots. The snapshots are not directly owned, they are instead enclosed in a Snapshot<DB> type that permits only &-deref, and so the only database that can be accessed with an &mut-ref is the master database. Each of the snapshots however onlys another handle on the Arc in Storage that stores the ingredients.

Whenever the user attempts to do an &mut-operation, such as modifying an input field, that needs to first cancel any parallel snapshots and wait for those parallel threads to finish. Once the snapshots have completed, we can use Arc::get_mut to get an &mut reference to the ingredient data. This allows us to get &mut access without any unsafe code and guarantees that we have successfully managed to cancel the other worker threads (or gotten ourselves into a deadlock).

The code to acquire &mut access to the database is the jars_mut method:


fn main() {

The key initial point is that it invokes cancel_other_workers before proceeding:

fn main() {
    /// Sets cancellation flag and blocks until all other workers with access
    /// to this storage have completed.
    /// This could deadlock if there is a single worker with two handles to the
    /// same database!
    fn cancel_others(&self, db: &Db) {
        let zalsa = self.zalsa_impl();

        db.salsa_event(&|| Event {
            thread_id: std::thread::current().id(),

            kind: EventKind::DidSetCancellationFlag,

        let mut clones = self.coordinate.clones.lock();
        while *clones != 1 {
            self.coordinate.cvar.wait(&mut clones);

The Salsa runtime

The salsa runtime offers helper methods that are accessed by the ingredients. It tracks, for example, the active query stack, and contains methods for adding dependencies between queries (e.g., report_tracked_read) or resolving cycles. It also tracks the current revision and information about when values with low or high durability last changed.

Basically, the ingredient structures store the "data at rest" -- like memoized values -- and things that are "per ingredient".

The runtime stores the "active, in-progress" data, such as which queries are on the stack, and/or the dependencies accessed by the currently active query.